Katarzyna NOSIDLAK, Ph.D.

Research and Teaching Assistant Professor
Department of English Language Education
phone: phone number: +48 12 662 69 61
room: 309
ORCID: 0000-0001-8315-2525
- Research and Teaching Assistant Professor
Functions performed at the Institute and University:
- Supervisor of teaching practicums for bachelor’s and master’s degree programs,
- Coordinator of the Practical English Language Exam for first-year part-time undergraduate studies,
- Advisor for the selection of specializations (English language teaching).
Academic degrees:
- PhD in linguistics
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
Title of the doctoral dissertation: „The discursive construction of EFL learners’ personality traits in the context of the National Qualifications Framework”;
Supervisor: dr hab. Elżbieta Wąsik, Prof. UAM.
- Master of Arts in English Philology
The Pedagogical University of the National Education Commission in Kraków
Title of the MA thesis: „Teaching vocabulary through games”;
Supervisor: dr Mariusz Trawiński.
Scientific discipline:
- Linguistics
- Department of English Language Education
Research interests:
- The role of individual differences in the process of foreign language acquisition, with a particular focus on sensory processing sensitivity,
- Affective factors in foreign language learning and teaching,
- Language education for migrant students.
Courses taught:
- Practical English Language,
- English Language Teaching Methodology,
- Language Course Planning and Evaluation,
- Academic Writing,
- Bachelor’s Thesis Seminar,
- Master’s Thesis Seminar.
Membership in Academic Societies:
- Polskie Towarzystwo Neofilologiczne (Polish Association of Modern Languages)
Selected publications:
- Rokita-Jaśkow J., Król-Gierat W., Nosidlak K. & Wolanin A. 2024. Na wspólnej drodze: nauczyciele języka angielskiego o pracy z uczniami z doświadczeniem migracji. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Naukowe UKEN.
- Nosidlak K. 2021. The Discursive Construction of Foreign Language Pedagogy at the University Level in Poland against the Background of the European Qualifications Framework. Kraków: Księgarnia Akademicka.
- Rokita-Jaśkow, J. & K. Nosidlak (red.) 2020. Nauczanie języków obcych dzieci. Globalne wyzwania, lokalne rozwiązania. Kraków: Wydawnictwo UP
Articles (since 2023)
- Nosidlak K. 2024. “Experienced Learners from Generation Z and the Traditional Vision of the Good Language Teacher: On The Issue of Teacher Authenticity”, Neofilolog, nr 62/2.
- Nosidlak K. 2024. “Highly sensitive persons (HSPs) and the situation of foreign language testing”, Psychology of Language and Communication, Vol. 28, nr 1.
- Rokita-Jaśkow J., Wolanin A., Król-Gierat W. & Nosidlak K. “Bridging the ‘dual lives’ : school socialization of young bi/ multilinguals in the eyes of EFL teachers”, International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, Vol. 26, nr 4.
- Nosidlak K. 2023. “Hopeless Cases or Just Hard Nuts to Crack?: Stories of “Difficult” Foreign Language Learners”, Theory and Practice of Second Language Acquisition, Vol. 9, nr 2.
- Nosidlak K. 2023. „Język sztuki czy sztuka języka?: rozwijanie wrażliwości artystycznej uczniów na lekcjach języka angielskiego w szkole średniej”, Języki Obce w Szkole, nr 1.
- Nosidlak K. 2023. “Stories of successful adaptations of immigrant students in the Polish educational system – perspective of EFL teachers”, Neofilolog, nr 60/2.